Friday, August 7, 2009

Overview of Xbox 360 Problems

I know why have you visited this page, most probably it’s because your Xbox 360 console started showing some weird problems? Don’t worry, as many as 30 to 50% users experience Xbox 360 problems, so you are not alone at least :) Now, let me describe some general type of Xbox 360 problems that may occur.

When a Microsoft Xbox 360 console suffers a "general hardware" failure or "core digital" failure, 3 flashing red lights appear around the power button, instead of the four green lights indicating normal operation. This condition of Xbox 360 is called "Red Ring of Death". This condition has its characteristics too. During game play, if you see freeze-ups, some weird graphical problems, frozen-sound (that is, a static sound) or when your Xbox 360 console responds only to power button, there is likely to be a problem as mentioned at the start. But note that, it’s not 100% sure thing that Red Ring of Death will occur. But yes, if that happens, console won’t function after a restart.

Sometimes, such error occurs due to the fault in power supply itself, that is, there may be a fault in switch board itself or power cable may not be inserted properly into Xbox 360 console. Otherwise, there’s surely something messed within one or more hardware components of the console.

OK, don’t confuse yourself with an error when console shows all 4 lights as Red! That happens when AV cable isn’t detected by the console. As other sources of this, one can also suspect on brief power outages or power surges. In such a case, you need to just unplug the console and then plug it back, that’s it!
When your console gets overheated, 2 red lights appear. Slow down buddy, give your lovely console some rest when this happens :)

This was the overview of which errors can occur with your Xbox 360 console. To know how to remove such errors, just visit my suggested link in the sidebar :)